Hybrid Violet on an arable field
Wild Pansy (Viola tricolor), which as the name suggests has flowers of purple, yellow and white, grew quite commonly across East Anglia as a plant of open short-sward grassland on light sandy soils.
Wild Pansy (Viola tricolor), which as the name suggests has flowers of purple, yellow and white, grew quite commonly across East Anglia as a plant of open short-sward grassland on light sandy soils.
Shepherd's Cress was found in abundance on the Brecks meeting near Santon Downham.
Growing beside cycle-track next to new road.
Crested Buckler-fern growing in abundance at Catfield Fen.
Jo Parmenter 21.06.2019
This hybrid Bedstraw (Galium verum x G. album) was growing in a variety of shades from cream to primrose with both parents on a chalk bank in west Norfolk.