
Shore Horsetail

Shore Horsetail (Equisetum x litorale)   Photo: Bob Ellis

A small colony of this hybrid Horsetail was found near a ditch in Carlton St Peter. The hollow stem and pattern of side branches alerted me to the possibility that this may be a hybrid.

Small-flowered Catchfly

Small-flowered Catchfly (Silene gallica) Photo: Suki Pryce

Small-flowered Catchfly now flowering profusely on the hot sandy cutting on the Weaver's Way near Felmingham. There look to be thousands of flowering spikes at the moment - a lovely and unusual sight.

Hard Fern

Hard fern
Hard Fern (Blechnum spicant)  Photo: Suki Pryce

One of a group of at least twenty well established clumps along an old bank on damp stream valley-side, south side of Bryant's Heath, Felmingham.

White Hedgerow Crane's-bill

hedgerow cransbill
White Hedgerow Crane's-bill (Geranium pyrenaicum)  Photo: Bob Ellis

This very attractive white-flowered form of Hedgerow Crane's-bill made a lovely display, extending over 10 meters at the base of a hedge bordering an agricultural field, climbing through Barren Brome (Anisantha sterilis).

Abundant Water Violet

water violet
Water Violet (Hottonia palustris)  Photo: Janet Higgins

This is the first time I have seen Water Violet flowering in this ditch which was dug out about five years ago, although it is known to flower intermittently in ditches throughout Marston marsh.