Recent Sighting

Dense Silky-bent

Dense Silky-bent Apera interrupta Photo: Jo Parmenter

We were excited to find Apera interrupta growing alongside a sandy track in our survey area on the Shadwell Estate. A ‘new’ plant for several of our group.

Basil Thyme

basil thyme
Basil Thyme Clinopodium acinos   Photo: Jake Brendish

The eagle-eyed Mary continues to miss nothing - after we recorded plenty of Eyebrights Euphrasia spp. and Small scabious Scabiosa columbaria, she spotted the minute Basil Thyme Clinopodium acinos in grassland at the edge of a forestry plantation and earned 'P

Forked Catchfly

Forked Catchfly Silene dichotoma  Photo:Jo Parmenter

Thrilled to find a large population of the non-native annual, Forked Catchfly Silene dichotoma, on the edge of a proposed development site on the edge of Thetford. Thanks to Bill & Carol Hawkins for the tip-off!

Loose Silky-bent

Loose Silky-bent
Loose Silky-bent Apera spica-venti  Photo: Jo Parameter

We were thrilled to find an arable field full of Loose Silky-bent Apera spica-venti when we visited Chris Knight’s farm at Gooderstone and Oxborough.