
Dense Silky-bent

Dense Silky-bent Apera interrupta Photo: Jo Parmenter

We were excited to find Apera interrupta growing alongside a sandy track in our survey area on the Shadwell Estate. A ‘new’ plant for several of our group.


Sanicle Sanicla europaea  Photo: Jo Parmenter

Sanicle in full flower at NWT’s Ashwellthorpe Wood Reserve for a well-attended joint meeting with Norfolk and Norwich Naturalist’s Society.

Scaly Male Fern Crosiers

scaly male fern
Scaly Male Fern Dryopteris affinis  Photo: Janet Higgins

We were exploring Hevingham Park and noticed about 20 large fern plants in an open area of the woodland .   Last year's fronds were dying off and from the center of the crown, the new fronds were unfurling.