Shore Horsetail

A small colony of this hybrid Horsetail was found near a ditch in Carlton St Peter. The hollow stem and pattern of side branches alerted me to the possibility that this may be a hybrid.
A small colony of this hybrid Horsetail was found near a ditch in Carlton St Peter. The hollow stem and pattern of side branches alerted me to the possibility that this may be a hybrid.
This very attractive white-flowered form of Hedgerow Crane's-bill made a lovely display, extending over 10 meters at the base of a hedge bordering an agricultural field, climbing through Barren Brome (Anisantha sterilis).
This is the first time I have seen Water Violet flowering in this ditch which was dug out about five years ago, although it is known to flower intermittently in ditches throughout Marston marsh.
Abundant Water Avens extending into five hectares on an area of Marston Marshes grazed by cattle last year. These were interspersed with frequent Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris) and Cuckooflower (Cardamine pratensis).
Whilst cycling, I noticed these straggly plants with green buds striped with white, hiding in the grass on a roadside verge in Eaton. I returned a week later in the middle of the day to examine the inflorescence of star-like white flowers in more detail.
This Marsh Marigold was adorned with abundant buds. It was lovely to see the first flowers opening and adding a bit of colour to the ditches at Wheatfen.
Alex Prendergast found this distinctive dandelion on Wretham Heath during the BSBI Taraxacum workshop lead by John Richards and Tim Rich.
I noticed this dandelion with irregularly shaped black spots on the upper surface of the leaves, growing alongside the path on Thompson Common.
We were walking along a footpath through arable fields south of Fakenham when we spotted patches of frequent Woodruff (Galium odoratum).
We were fortunate to come across this small patch of Grass-of-Parnassus growing on this species rich fen. There were around 25 plants in flower growing within one 10 meter square.