Devil's-bit Scabious

I was delighted but surprised to see Devil's-bit Scabious Succisa pratensis on what looks like a dry (growing with Harebells) lane-side bank on Hanworth Common.
I was delighted but surprised to see Devil's-bit Scabious Succisa pratensis on what looks like a dry (growing with Harebells) lane-side bank on Hanworth Common.
Seen in the damper part of Compartment 5 in the Broadland Country Park. Hard-fern occurs quite frequently, usually in the ditches of the Park, but this is a particularly fine specimen growing on flat ground.
One spike of Yarrow Broomrape was found initially in the rough by the cliff path, Royal Cromer Golf Course by Golf Club Member David Harper searching
Suki Pryce spotted Bolboschoenus maritimus Sea Club-rush on the Overstrand sea front, growing with other interesting species such as Atriplex portulacoides Sea-purslane and Triglochin maritimum Sea Arrowgrass, none of which have
This is the first time I have noticed this Star-of-Bethlehem on the A149 verge south of Cromer.
Red-maids Calandrinia ciliata, Montiaceae) on the North Walsham and Dilham Canal.
Identified by Mike Crewe, new to me. A rare, possible seed mix alien from western North America.
One of many garden plants that appear unexpectedly along the North Walsham and Dilham Canal, and make recording there a constant treasure hunt.
Wild garlic in flower - the largest spread I've ever seen, near Crostwight Heath.
False Oxlip Primula x polyantha in the lawn at the Templewood Estate, Northrepps.
Small-flowered Catchfly now flowering profusely on the hot sandy cutting on the Weaver's Way near Felmingham. There look to be thousands of flowering spikes at the moment - a lovely and unusual sight.