Jo Parmenter

Annual Buttonweed

Annual Buttonweed Cotula australis  Photo: Jo Parmenter

We found Annual Buttonweed in a roadside gutter in urban Rollesby. This was a rather unexpected find, as there have only been 78 previous records of this plant for the UK, and only 2 from Norfolk, for Kelling Heath Caravan Park and an urban location in North Walsham.

Marsh Pea on Ranworth Marsh

marsh pea
Marsh Pea (Lathyrus palustris)   Photo: Janet Higgins

These stunning blue and purple pea-flowers were found in tall herb fen at Norfolk Wildlife Trust’s Ranworth Reserve (part of the Bure Broads and Marshes NNR).  This is a part of the Reserve only accessible by boat and we were very grateful to NWT staff for enabling a